Upliftingly Ukrainian
Upliftingly Ukrainian
Explore the tastes of Ukraine at Kyiv Social, where every meal tells a story
Our dishes are a celebration of tradition and resilience, dishing up Babusyas cherished recipes by our incredible team of newly arrived Ukrainian refugees.
Every visit to Kyiv Social is a chance to connect over the comfort of hearty, soul-warming flavours while supporting a mission to make a difference. For every set menu ordered, we donate two meals—one to someone in need here in Sydney and one to someone in Ukraine. When you dine with us, you help nourish the lives of others.
12pm-3pm, Saturday
Open from 5:30pm Tuesday - Saturday
202 Broadway, Chippendale NSW, 2008
Where Flavour Meets Opportunity
Kyïv Social is a social enterprise kitchen, serving up Ukrainian food and vibrant cocktails while providing employment opportunities, practical experience and training for people seeking a brighter future.